Thursday, November 10, 2005

Fergie's not looking so hot

My friend MK posted a quote from Fergie recently stating that she has never had plastic surgery.

In my first post I showed a photo before and a photo after. She really shouldn't lie...

Here is a picture of her at the premiere of 'Dirty', she looks dreadful. Her hair looks like she just came out of the Clampett's outdoor shower and her outfit makes her look like a low-rate tranny from middle America. Jacket sucks, skinny pants suck even more and, really, could you do us a favour and throw on some make-up?

I used to have a lady-crush on her...but in the past year she's really crapped it up. She still has a super-hot body, but she is really gross lately.

Not to mention the
peeing herself incident

Please Fergie, bring down the brows and be hot again!!!


SacramentoVoice said...

Thank you for making me now, think this sexy woman is ugly.

Skankopolis said...

Todd, I totally think she still has an incredible body and great hair...but there's something going awry with her face