Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Looks Um. Large?

Not really sure what's going on with these pictures, or if she's trying to hop on the Kim Kardashian pregnany PR train by looking pregnant, but LL looks TERRIBLE.

This was taken a few moments before midnight on New Year's Eve in London. Lindsay vowed to stay in and have a quiet evening.

For real, what is going on there? She looks so bulbous in the mid section.

My hubs and I celebrated NYE in my car driving from one party to another. Someone (not me) had too much to drink and was a slow ass getting out of party #1 so we kissed at a red light. Oh well.

At least we were greeted at party #2 with glasses of champagne!

Happy New Year Skanks! Here's to fun and lots of stupidity (by celebrities, not us!) in 2013!

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