Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The 2012 Oscar Roundup: The Beauty Edition

From a makeup and hair stand point, this year's Academy Awards were pretty boring. Everyone hires top notch teams to make sure they don't look like this:

or this:

Gone are the days of celebrities doing their own hair and having rainbow eye shadow. Sad. Anyway, here are my awards. Everyone was very safe this year and there were no stand outs.

Best makeup goes to:

Sacha Baron Cohen. I love this guy. Wearing a fake beard all night must have been awful. This guy doesn't care what people think of him, you gotta respect that.

Best hair:

Ellie Kemper. Damn that is a beautiful color! Maybe a little too matchy matchy with her dress, but still beautiful. The fringe is good, really brings out her eyes. Her whole look is fresh and sexy while still being Oscars appropriate. Really, the whole cast of Bridesmaids rocked the red carpet. They all looked fantastic.

Notable mentions go to Rose Byrne and Michelle Williams. Both have had the same look for all the award shows this season for a reason; because it works. They both look young and modern and well put together. Good makeup, good hair, way to keep it hot ladies.

I am awarding most improved to Stacy Keibler. She normally looks like a prom queen from the 90's. The "old Hollywood" trend really works for her.

Her dress however looked like it was made of The Macho Man's old wrestling trunks, circa 1989.

Spot on, right?

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