Friday, June 11, 2010

A Recap of Lindsay Lohan's Stupidest Lies and Excuses

It's all Lindsay all the time here.

Seriously, she's so capitvatingly dumb it's hard not to follow closely.

Here's a great recap of her biggest, dumbest lies over the past few years (thanks E! Online):

1. The black guy did it: In the 2007 incident she's still in hot water for, Linds tried to pin her drunk Pacific Coast Highway joyride on her assistant's pal Dante.

2. Pants on fire: After she claimed "the black kid" was driving that night, cops found cocaine on her. Oh, she borrowed those jeans from a friend! That bitch!

3. Fearing for her life: Lindsay has blamed her reckless (substance-abusing) driving on the fact that cameras follow her every move. She was scared, okay??!

4. Dog ate my passport: Despite a looming court date, Lohan still went yacht hopping in France, missed her flight back, then said someone stole her passport.

5. It was a set up: While in Cannes, a photo surfaced of LiLo and a plate of cocaine. What?! No, those were just fans staging the cocaine pic to sabotage her.


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