Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Christian Bale has anger issues, but is really hot

I don't fully understand creative people. I mean, I'm creative in the sense that I can draw really emotive stick people and want my home to be decorated nicely, but actors are craaaazy.

Christian Bale lost his mind on a DP while filming a movie recently...the producers sent the audio clip to the insurance company because Christian threatens to quit the movie if the DP isn't fired.

Listen to it here...it's definitely NSFW, lots of f-words and such.

Clearly, he was in a wonderful acting place which couldn't be recreated, because that's the only explanation for flying off the handle like that. He sounds like he's a grade A asshole...still, he's foxy.

Just, someone needs to tell him to take himself less seriously, because that is not hot. It's a little too Gwyneth Paltrow for my taste.

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