Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Can we all agree...?

Oh for heaven's sake!

Ha ha, I don't think I've said, or heard anyone else say that since the early 80's. And it was my best friend's mom and she was probably saying because we were making our spaghetti dinner into very chic tomato-splattered beards or jamming the always-available carrot and celery sticks into our cranial orifices (smart way of saying noses and ears).

What was I talking about?

Right, let's try to agree on some stuff:

Wow, Jennifer Connelly is looking svelte. And by svelte I mean unhealthily skinny. The Fug Girls said that it is rumoured to be reaction to a family illness/death, so I won't get mad, but I can get mad about her weird dress.

Can we all agree that shoulder pads were banished for a reason and that the dress is one of the most unflattering things we've seen in a while? Love the shoes though, want the shoes. Agree?

Clearly I spoke too soon about unflattering things recently.

Can we agree that this dress doesn't only make Katie Holmes' breasts look like they're super low, but that they also look deflated? And can we also agree that the color combos and the cut are horrifying? It's like a really terrible superhero costume. The first ghetto one they make after discovering their powers. Hers is clearly being able to stay married to a psychotic, gay Scientologist. She's very good at it.

Can we agree that Rose McGowan's knee socks are totally unnecessary here and really not good at all?

Can we agree that Anne Hathaway needs to hit a Quizno's, STAT and eat something? She's looking really terribly skinny, and it's not doing anything for her already questionably attractive face. Oy.
Ok, I'm done. Hee hee.

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