Monday, April 28, 2008


Sooooo....below I posted about Christie Brinkley and Billy Joel's daughter and it was mean. I pissed someone off, because there are quite a few comments on the post about how I'm not a very nice person. At first I was going to delete the comments, and I started with one, but then I decided to leave them.

I think we all know I'm not a very nice person, so I'm not going to address that. What I will address is the fact that someone referred to me to an antisemitic link comparing my post to the post on the link. That pisses me off, but then also leads me to these questions:
  1. What the hell did I say that referred at all to anyone's religion?
  2. How does said commenter know about the antisemitic site?
Anyhoo, just wanted to vent, because someone is jamming my email with comments that I'm basically racist, when it's quite clear I'm pretty much just an unpleasant, evil bitch who hides behind the blog so I can make snarky comments about stuff. What I am not is antisemitic or racist. Really not.


Skankopolis said...

OR I was saying that the girl is unfortunately unattractive and that sucks considering what her mom looks like. Yes, I'm shallow, cruel and judgmental, but you have a choice to not continue to read my blog.

If you don't like it, don't read it, but don't turn me into something I'm not because you don't agree.

Unknown said...

Wow, I didn't read anything remotely racist in your comments. I just saw the adorable snarky attitude I look forward to when I read your blog. Don't let some paranoid fool project their bs on to you. Good for you for keeping the post up. It made me laugh just as hard the second time around.

Anonymous said...

Hey Skankopolis- I know what you you look like, and you've got some nerve calling anybody ugly. You are one of the skankiest looking dogs I've ever seen. No wonder you're so mean. Your site is well named. You must have descended from a long line of Skankopolites yourself.

Anonymous said...

Pray that I never find out who you are. Pray very hard.

Anonymous said...

I think you're funny and fair. I also think PEOPLE shouldn't read so much into things. Maybe THEY are the ones who are bigots. I think THEY have too much time on their hands and people who live in glass WHORE houses shouldn't throw stones! (thank you Rosanne) If you compare Skankopolis to other blogs,it's down right polite....SOME PEOPLE need to relax and stop acting like a dip-shits!