Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Beaver week 2006: Britney Spears

Wow. Did Britney ever have a terrible week. Our Lord Lohan flashes her lower lips a lot, but this was pure madness!

You'd think after the panty flash a while back, she may have continued to wear undies, but no! This woman is bold! She is brash! Her vag is out ALL over town.

Let's take a look at her week.

~November 25:

Britney goes out at night wearing a 'Little Miss Sunshine' tee, a very mini skirt and blue sunglasses. Oh yah! And don't forget the vulva. She had some vulva too.

I'm not sure about you girls who read this, but when I wear anything shorter than, say, knee-length, I like to throw on some knickers. JUST IN CASE. Actually. I always do. Apparently, the mom of two lives life in a faster lane than I.

~November 27:

You'd think being with the Lord Lohan would make her better-off. Unfortunately, as Lindsay advised us, it was a publicity stunt. God these women are fame whores.

Oh! There's some labia! Wowee! I'm almost bored with it I've seen it so much already. Click on the pic for a full on, cesarian scar hoo-ha shot.

Um, if this is not a hint she's in trouble, I don't know what is. Paris Hilton is closing your legs!!!??? Oh my god the shame!

Here Britney doesn't show us her pink taco, but she does break out the bum bum for us. It grosses me out so thoroughly that she is hanging so much with Parasite. It is NOT a coincidence that all this noonie flashing and her friendship with Paris Hilton have surfaced at the same time.

~November 28:

really, REALLY, wanted to believe that she is wearing peach undies in this shot, but it's not working out for me. It's too cooch-like.
Unfortunately for me, on top of the fact that her hair is terrible, she's also flashing va-jay-jay. God. I cannot believe this woman is a mother of two.

~December 2:

Ohhhhhhhhhhh! Thank Lohan! I was worried that she had forgotten she had fucking children. She's taking little SPF to the zoo here. Hair looks good. Nice to see her in some slacks for once this week.

December 2:
Here she is celebrating her birthday. Looks fucking hot, I must admit, but I don't know if it's necessary to shake her unit around after that "all-beav-all-the-time week". A couple of websites have proven that she's wearing panties under that. Thank fuck.

[Pic sources: X17 online, Egotastic, Socialite's Life]


Skankopolis said...

It's nice to have you back lady. Where you been?

Skankopolis said...

That's weird! Hmm, stupid Blogger.