Tuesday, July 26, 2011

RIP Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse passed away this past weekend while I was up at my cottage away from internet and mobile signals. Sorry I'm late. I hope the people who surrounded her are sorry too, this was definitely a death that could have been avoided.

Amy, who had been monitored by security every few hours and doctors at least weekly was seen by a doctor on Friday night and showed no signs of being ill. Later that night she was out in Camden looking to score Special K (ketamine), heroin, coke and ecstasy...all being mixed with the hard booze she was already drinking. Friends who were with her said she seemed determined to have a great time partying.

She told her security team she was going down for a nap on Saturday morning and never woke up.

The blood and toxicology test results will not be revealed for another week or so. Amy was cremated and buried today in England. She was 27 years old.

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