Wednesday, July 06, 2011

James Spader is Joining The Cast of 'The Office'

If you watched last season's final few episodes of 'The Office' you saw them 'auditioning' options for Steve Carrell's replacement. It was pretty funny. Lots of odd characters.

Well, they've announced who they're casting James Spader...but it's a bit more complex, here's what executive producer Paul Lieberstein (also the guy who plays Toby) said,
“James will reprise his role as Robert California, this uber-salesman that has a power to convince and manipulate, like a high-class weirdo Jedi warrior. He’ll have been hired over the summer as the new manager, but within hours, got himself promoted. Within days, he took over the company. James has an energy that is completely his own, and ‘The Office’ has no tools for dealing with this guy. We’re thrilled he’s joining our cast.”
He was SO weird in his interview. I'm so excited to see where this goes...BUT, if he takes over the company (because Kathy Bates has another show), then again, aren't we out an office manager?


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