Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tiffany & Debbie Gibson Are Going On Tour!

OMG! I am SO not going to this! Do you like how I acted SUPER excited but really am not?

Ok, in truth, I am a little excited for this. It's kind of awesome. But it would have been awesomer (shut up!) if it was in 1990, no?

Also, I have some bad memories related to "I Think We're Alone Now." My high school friends thought it would be hilarious to request that song at a sweet 16 when I was getting to know* my soon-to-be boyfriend away from the clique.


Ok, really, it wasn't a big deal, but I can't think of that many songs from either of theses bitches.

Also, nice trashy tattoos Tiffany.

*Seriously, we were just talking. Our awkward kiss came weeks after.

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