Sunday, April 03, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Falls To Knees And Prays To Sobriety Gods - Or is Drunk....

So Lindsay Lohan went home recently, to decide with her family what was the best course of action to take regarding her plea deal. As it turned out she ended up going out EVERY night with her family. EVERY night.

With her UNDERAGE family.

One night, when she was supposedly drinking water, she fell outside a club. Mmm hmm. I always fall outside clubs when I'm sober. Don't you?

Here's what she had to say about it:
"I was NOT drinking, nor do I drink! I was with my brother, sister and friends. I was making a joke. They're trying to make something out of nothing. Just because I'm out doesn't mean I'm drinking."

Uh huh, I always fall on the ground when sober. Apparently sher blamed the shoes. Whatever bitch, every whore out there wears high heels and none of us fall outside clubs.

Also didn't she quit smoking too? Isn't it funny she's holding a cigarette?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummmm...yes I do fall outside clubs while sober.