Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Avoids Jail...Again. SHOCKING.

And by shocking, I mean really not. I hope that if I ever get arrested in life, it's in LA and that I'm a celebrity at the time, because they don't seem to pay for what they do at all.

I'm not saying that bitch shouldn't be in rehab, because that's where she belongs, but she should also do some jail time. I mean, come on.

Anyhoo, she'll be in rehab until January 3, at least. The judge has decreed that.

Rumor has it though, that she has been having trouble paying for rehab and has been begging her friends for money to help her pay...for something. No one knows what, but everyone assumes it is for rehab. Betty Ford isn't cheap.

She looks a little smug in this photo, post court, non?

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