Monday, October 18, 2010

Lady Gaga Looking MUCH Healthier Than She Has In a While

Sometimes, people overdo it. They live by extremes and they're either super fit and skinny or gross. Ahem, Janet Jackson.

I'm happy to see that Gaga is not, but that she doesn't look as insanely emaciated as she did near the end of the Monster Ball tour. She was freaking me out she was so thin.

I'm annoyed because people are saying she looks pudgy, but let's be honest, she just doesn't look like she spends 4 hours a day dancing and practicing. She looks a hell of a lot better than most of us slobs out here...especially those of us in the blogosphere.

Yay for Gaga!

But for reals, all that hair color change is shredding her hair. It looks like straw. Work the wigs woman!

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