Thursday, August 26, 2010

Drew Barrymore's Fashion Tour

I like me some Drew Barrymore. I really do. She's cute (though often irritating) and she's honest about who she is (douchey and hippy-like). Who doesn't like that combo?

Anyhoo, here she is out and about this past week. She's promoting a new movie that looks like a formulaic rom-com and looks pretty terrible, but it'll probably do well because people like Drew Barrymore.

She's been rocking the ombré hair lately, which is a trend I'm not sure this degree. On
Jessica Biel, I liked it. It was subtle, it was nice. On Giselle Bundchen I've always liked it. Ombré has been her look for years.

Anyone else see major wonk eye here?

On Drew, it looks scary. And too contrasty. I kind of hate it. And by kind of, I mean really a lot. Isn't ombré (to this degree) just a nice way of describing roots? Let's be really, 100% honest.

Her clothing choices have also been questionable of late. While there have been some really cute ones, there are some equally ugly ones. And because I'm generally mean-spirited, I'd like to focus on those.

I'm quite certain when I played the jester in my 9th grade production of 'Once Upon A Mattress' my costume was eerily similar to this. I believe the colors were magenta and teal (sale at the fabric store), but this is pretty much it. Ew. And it's loose. I dunno. Weak performance.

Um. On what planet do those shoes and jacket go with that dress/skirt? I get not matching things and looking stylish, but sometimes things that look super hot in September's Vogue photo shoot look not so hot when in action. Case in point above. Probably looked awesome on an anorexic 6'4" girl sitting on a vintage car in a dusty straw-filled field (picture it. Do it. You know what I'm talking about), but walking around in NYC, I disagree with it.

To be honest, I could more readily accept it if she was wearing a motorcycle boot or something. I mean, come on! Studded brogues?

I almost have nothing to say about this, but we all know I have at least a little something, so I'll say it. I do not like shirts that appear to be made of the remnants of some kind of muppet costume.

While I do feel a strong kudos vibe toward her for pulling off a belly top on it's 2nd time around the trend cycle in her life time, I hate that top. I love the pants though. I want leather pants. I have a problem.

Yah, so fringe is in this year. Not THAT fringe. But fringe. And khaki pants are in this year. Not those pants (how about JBrand's Houlihan's), but khakis.

It's like someone went to Wal-Mart and tried to recreate a look they saw in InStyle. It's embarrassing.

Love the hat though. I like hats. I just never wear them because my hair looks awful when I take them off and I cant think of a situation I would be in when it would be appropriate to wear a hat the entire time.


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