Friday, August 27, 2010

Britney's on vacation...

Some people suspect Britney might get married while on vacation in Hawaii this week...apparently she and her boyf, Jason something, were looking at the wedding gazebo at their resort in Hawaii. But everyone does that. It's such a romantic thing...of course you look at it.

Anyhoo, here is a pic of them walking on the beach yesterday. Some have been saying bad stuff about Brit's body, but I really think that's just how she's built. Yes, she can look thinner, but she's muscular and she's got short legs...this is it. And it's good. It's much better than the majority of the unhealthy North American population and probably a lot healthier than most of the people who are talking shit about her. So there.

I'm more concerned with this True Religion bathing suit though. Really? I don't know why, but it really bothers me a lot. Like, really?? Is that really necessary? Come on! So cheesy.

I have this block on True Religion. I find it tacky. I get my nails done at a hair salon near my house and for some reason all the stylists wear True Religion and it bothers me. I don't know just seems douchey.

Woo. Tangent.

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