Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mathilda Ledger is super cute

I am sure that I've said it many times before, but 'Dark Knight' was a fantastic movie. And a fantastic version of Reese's Peanut Butter cups. Mmm, they were so thick. What was I talking about? My love handles? No, but that's pretty much the same subject. Damn post-wedding laziness.

Oh, right. Anyhoo, Heath Ledger passed away and that is ultra sad. Here is a picture of his daughter on the street with Michelle Williams (who will forever be her character from 'Dawson's Creek' to me) looking unbelievably adorable.

I'm really happy that Heath Ledger's family decided not to be pigs and just to give all Heath's trust over to her. How can you not? She's so adorable.

Also, I love MW's boots. Mmm. Those are nice. I want them in black, chocolate brown and that lovely cognac-y color brown.

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