Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The 2014 Emmy's Red Carpet Post #2

Here we go again! Here are the people I missed or just ignored last night :)

By all accounts, the show was boring. The same people and shows keep winning and it's not exciting to watch Sofia Vergara get excited 3 years in a row. Like, really, did Jim Parsons have to win for the 4th time? No. Let's be honest.

Angela Bassett:
I like this dress. Especially on her and especially with that hair. It's pretty great. I would look like a total doof in this unless it was black.

Cat Deely:
I feel like this is what Lena Dunham's dress could have been. This is a really pretty ombre effect, this is an elegant watercolor.

I loathe that snake bracelet though. Doesn't go at all.

Claire Danes:
Just once I would love to see her wear something that fits well. Everything always looks too big on her. Like, this is not well tailored at the bust or the waist or the hips. She looks like she's swimming in it. Oh, and it's ugly. I hate this. It belongs on a Muppet.

Giuliana Rancic:
I only put this to show her hair. Like, REALLY? Ugh.

Gwen Stefani:
Another one who knocked it out of the park 2 nights in a row. Separates? Hot. Cut outs? Hot. Slinky? Hot.

She looks great, but I wonder why she's attending the Emmy's...what does she need with publicity amongst TV people?

Halle Berry:
Always Elie Saab. Always beautiful. And you should have seen it move. She looks gorgeous, as always. This color is amazing on her. Very beautiful.

Julia Roberts:
I like when she shows up to awards shows now. Because she clearly doesn't care anymore and is just having fun. This dress, is horrible. It should have been long, it's too puffy - BUT the fact that she is having a ball in it makes me like her more. Not the dress. It looks like shiny bacteria on a terrible DVF rip off.

Kate Mara:
This is a little too destroyed for my taste, but it's not horrible. I wish it didn't have that wrap at her boobs, and I wish I didn't see how contorted her feet are for her to pose like that. That looks painful.

Kate Mara:
I don't know why there is so much air space above her head in the picture, but it's making her neck look really pushed down and her head look super flat. Actually, that's her hair. It's really bad. It's too bad, because the rest is really nicely put together.

Katherine Heigl:
What the hell is she wearing? Imagine being in 90 degree Los Angeles heat in this thing? You'd be sweating just at the thought of sweating. It's like the fanciest nightgown from Dallas EVER. Also, her hair makes me barf. She's the worst.

Kristen Wiig:
She gets it wrong A LOT. But not this time. This is great. I love it and she looks gorgeous. I also love those shoes.

Lizzy Kaplan:
Took me a while to find a good picture of this dress. It's really great. And then she sat in her seat all night, which is a real pity, because this was pretty to see in movement.

Louise Roe:
Too bad about her face. This dress is kind of great. And she's done it well with the slicked back hair and the non metallic shoe. I like this. But that smirk. Jesus. It's scary as hell.

Lucy Lui:
Awww, remember her? She has such great hair. This dress is gross and I feel like she deserves better, but I really like her. I don't want to hate it. But I do.

Matthew McConaughey & Camilla Alves:
I like the shade of blue of his suit. I do not like her dress, but I can't pinpoint why. It migt be the neckline...or the fact that it seems really overdone....can't place it. Any ideas?

Mindy Kaling:
It's too bad about this stripe looking like a zipper because I like what it's doing. And she looks really great in the color and I like it on the belt. It's just everywhere else it's yelling 'zipper' to me and no one wants to have "zipper" yelled at them.

Sarah Silverman:
See, but now we all know she has a marijuana vaporizer in that little clutch it's all we can focus on. I'm happy for her that her hair behaved, because that could have been really large.

Sibel Kekilli:
She's not really a huge character on Game of Thrones, but I really like this dress so I decided to post it. Her hair is a little to casual for me, it brings down the dress too much. But I like the dress. I like that belt.

Sofia Vergara:
She looks really thin, no? I don't know if it's just the instance the camera caught, or if she's really this thin, but apparently latin people are really annoyed with her and how much she is changing her body and ignoring her Colombian roots and keeping her bum.

She looks nice, I like the metallic accents and it's nice not to see her in something voluminous for once.

Taryn Manning:
Aww, Pennsatucky. Your hair. It's so bad. And your dress, it's too short. You know, aside from those things, I really like what's happening here. How could I not? It's super disco. But those things are ruining it for me. Especially the hair. OMG. Whose choice was that? A slicked back pony could have been so much better.

Zooey Deschanel:
Awww. It's really too bad about her hair. Because it's really bad. Like, super bad. I mean, this dress, it's nothing really. It's nothing new, it's not exciting, I don't even think it's the first time she wore bright pink. It's overall not good.

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