Monday, June 04, 2012

The MTV Awards, A Beauty Flashback

Update: I really must speak to my boss about not making me travel when I have awards shows to write about...Ok guys, I'm sorry, I'll get on it ASAP!!

Remember when the MTV Awards looked like this? Actual musicians wearing whatever they wanted? Stupid hair and bad makeup made for some good TV.

Now we have to look at all the Hollywood has-beens saunter around the Red Carpet. Award shows are really starting to be the worst. They have a first class ticket to my Bane List.  

Jessica Biel really bugs me. She's never been in anything good. NEVER. I think she also tricks people into thinking she's pretty. She's rather Plain Jane. These bangs do nothing for her. They make her look like a pony.

What is this 2005? The pose, the fake tan.......this is very early 2000's.Why are these two still whoring around award shows? See, like I said, these shows are really becoming lame and irrelevant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, Topanga.