Friday, April 27, 2012

Winners in the White House

Between trips to the drug store to stock up on Just For Men Color 45, brushing his mustache and admitting that I'm his favorite father really loves to stand on his invisible soapbox and talk about the downfall of society and today's pop culture.  

Most of the time his rants go like this:

"Expiration dates are a marketing ploy."


"These people can't act.  They're pumped full of toxic chemicals and they're spoiled, talent-less little brats with too much money...back in my day you had to WORK for money.  I bet you Burt Reynolds never bought in to any of this crap." 

Most of the time his rants are met with a roll of the eyes or suddenly empty room...but you guys, he might have a point. 

Until today I was blissfully unaware that I had to have a sex tape, a felony record and/or a drug problem to get an invite to the White House.  But guess what?  The puffy-faced Lilo and puffy-assed Kim Kardashian are official attendees of the White House Correspondents' Dinner! 

How great is that!?  After all these two maroons have contributed to society I believe they truly deserved the invites from Greta Van Susteren and Fox News to be their respective +1.  

Really? You're totally embarrassing my dad.  

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