Monday, May 24, 2010

Downward Spiral Update: Lindsay Lohan

So Lindsay Lohan is a total disaster. Duh.

Last week she went to Cannes to 'promote' the movie she's in where she stars as Linda Lovelace (the porn star). Nice.

She's been in trouble with the courts lately because she hasn't attended any of her alcohol education courses and the judge is having none of that. She's been bitch slapping La Lohan all over the place.

Here is she is rocking the drug bloat right before she left for Cannes (after begging everyone in Hollywood for the money to pay for a flight)

Here she is in Cannes looking like a hot mess. At an earlier event she wore what looked like a self hemmed dress. So ghetto. She was never seen with any real celebrities or money makers, only Euro-trash. So sad.

Then the below photo came out of her partying in Cannes. Note the lines of coke on the table in front of them. Not that anyone is shocked, but Lindsay's reaction was "Oh my god! It's a total set-up!"

This, of course, came a day or so after she was supposed to show up in court and didn't, so a warrant was issued for her arrest. She claimed her passport had been stolen, but that story fell apart when it was revealed that she A) never reported it stolen, B) never applied for another one (even though her celebrity status would have gotten her another one VERY quickly). Just lies and lies and lies.

Don't those people look gross and like she should be hanging out with better people? I mean, that woman's hair is atrocious!

So she finally showed up in court today to be sentenced to wear a SCRAM bracelet at all times, starting tomorrow. To be subjected to random drug testing at least weekly...and some other stuff. Fantastic.

And if she fails to comply with any of these terms - JAIL. No questions asked. She got the toughest judge in LA and then treated the court with no respect and the judge is having none of it. This is going to be fun to watch.

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