Thursday, November 05, 2009

Ok, last halloween post, promise

Sorry, I have a weakness for Halloween...

Annalyne McCord:
Can we first discuss that her name is one word!? Geez.

Anyhoo, I don't know what kind of weirdo razor-zipper-pull hero she's supposed to be, but it's a pretty dangerous bustier, don't you think? Imagine zipping that up too fast? You'd either catch one of your nips in the teeth, a la "Something About Mary" or whip it clean off with the razor. Yeesh.

Bai Ling:
What a tool. I think it says something about Andy Warhol on her stomach...still don't get it and I've looked at it a couple of times over the past 3 days. Yeesh. Any excuse for nipple pasties.

Audrina Partridge:
Yawn. A genie. Woo. Actually, if I still had abs like that, I would totally wear something like that. Until my husband asked me to put something else on so he didn't have to get into a bar fight. Darn.

Gwen Stefani:
As Jessie from 'Toy Story'. Really cute! Well done. Imagine your mom did this when you were a baby and 2 3D movies just came out with this girl? So cute!

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