Monday, November 02, 2009

Celebrities Celebrate Halloween

For those of you who have been living in a hole, this past weekend was Halloween.

Here are how some celebrities dressed up...I'll add more as I find them.

Matt Lauer:
He actually looks charming...the blonde suits him. But he's such a dork. And so glib...right?

Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon:
Oh, it hurts my eyes. It's way too much. And it's so nude. Like, too nude. I think a skirt would have done everyone a favor. Yeesh.

Mickey Rourke:
Anyone sure who he is, aside from wasted? He really just looks like his regular self but with glow in the dark face paint on. Lovely.

Latoya Jackson:
Well, I'm glad so many people got to capitalize off of MJ's death. Good god. Is that man making a shake in that outfit? I'm pretty sure that would not pass the health inspection!

Jessica Alba:
Dora the Explorer. Really?

Ugh. Hate her.

I'm so frightened because Cojo is actually prettier than Khloe Kardashian. And me. And that makes me sad.

Christina Aguilera and Max:
Is she a Clockwork Orange skeleton? I hate when you need to ask questions about a's the opposite of clever when you need to start asking what someone is doing...just be obvious, that's what it's all about.

Blake Lively:
As the most attractively-shoed flight attendant ever. Have you ever looked at their feet? They were sensible-ass shoes. Those are not sensible shoes. Those are hot, make-you-want-to-put-your-feet-in-a-wood-shredder-at-the-end-of-the-night shoes.

I think I love her.

Heidi & Spencer:
As Jon & Kate Plus 8. Except, they're dumb and I hate them. But, Heidi does kind of bear a striking resemblance to Kate.


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