Monday, November 23, 2009

American Music Awards

Apparently the show last night was full of tomfoolery...including simulated oral sex, many near-nip slips and falling all over the place. Fantastic.

Let's talk about it...

Adam Lambert:
This ended the show, but I'll start with it for a couple of reasons: 1 is the alphabet...the other being that it causes quite a stir when he did things like in the above photo. Personally, I think people need to uninstall the sticks they have in their asses, but hey, to each their own.

So he did this, are we really that uptight that we can't deal with it? I mean, come on, it's no secret that some people are into their own sex. Can't we just let them be? Apparently ABC got 1500 complaints about his performance. God, people really suck.

Alicia Keys:
Love the cobalt. It's gorge. I think she could have done a different colour shoe, to make it more interesting, but I'll let it go. It's quite fabulous and fun and it's nice to see someone having a good time, rather than trying too hard (ahem, missy below)

Carrie Underwood:
For real? Is she really wearing this? This girl is so weak. It's a pity she's so pretty because she's just such a loser. She tries so hard and then cutie patootie Taylor Swift kicks her ass every time.

I do not hate the shoes though. Those are nice shoes.

This dress must have been killer heavy. It was studded and covered in zips. I love this zip trend, it's rocking my world (ha ha, lame pun). She looks less wretched than normal...I think it's the lack of disgusting faux tan and the softer blush...nice.

Jennifer Lopez:
This photo is so awkward, I love it. Apparently she fell. On her very famous butt. Fantastic. And apparently it was really uncomfortable. This morning, she was on Ryan Seacrest's show and she claimed the fall was planned.

I understand pride, I have some, but I do not get why people lie about stuff like that. You fell, it's ok, people fall. Don't try to cover it up's like those people who look behind them at the ground after they it's the ground's fault.

It's really nice that she used that suitcase to make her dress. I guess it's nice to the environment because she's not killing more animals for her clothes. Either way. It's a little too Pocahontas-y for me...she's fab

Kelly Clarkson:
Apparently some mother of the bride lent her the dress from the evening portion of her daughter's wedding...WTF is that?!? Is that really knee length? Isn't she in her 20's? Oh my god. It's really a tragedy when cute people wear stupid clothes. That must have weighed a ton not worth the effort.

Oh my god. Sheer nylons. I'm going to have a stroke.

Kristen Bell:
Holy awkward leg position Batman! Seriously...that doesn't make anyone look any thinner or better...don't do that. Unless you really have to pee and you're in a snowsuit and your mom is not ready to let you in from outside...Couldn't someone have taken her to a bathroom?

The dress is kind of fab though. I like that cut out. No one is fat there, it's practical.

Lady Gaga:
I'm going to see this crazy lady on Friday. I hope she doesn't wear anything like this, I actually want to sleep that night. Is that an ace bandage underwear going on there? It's not good, and it looks very uncomfortable. Oh my god she's weird.

Leona Lewis:
She looks like she has chunky legs. I'm sure she doesn't, but she has booties on and it's really, really not flattering to her.

The dress reminds me of most of the costumes from the Batman franchise when George Clooney was Batman and everything was shinier and stupider. No good.

Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban:
Apparently she was touching her stomach all night...and there was some kind of bump. Do you even care? I think I'm suffering from a bit of baby overload...everyone is frigging pregnant or had a baby. Enough already.

Her dress is icky. It looks like so many things that she's worn already and I feel like she could have worn a short skirt...wouldn't you wear something short if you had Nicole Kidman's legs?

On another vein, why does she always marry men who are pretty? It's weird.

While her shoes are terrible, I LOVE the dress. It's super fun and out there without being stupid (ahem, CU). I love the cut-outs, they're so pretty.

Her eye make-up is a bit insane, but I like it. Only she could pull it off. Well, she and Gaga, but she's better at it.

Those shoes are hurting my soul though, god they're horrific.

Selena Gomez:
I think that's who this is...she's a Disney kid, right? I don't know. I'm just happy that this seemingly very young woman is dressed like a young woman and not like some slutty, buck-toothed, pole-dancing tart. Those shoes are wretched though...are they from Payless?

This girl is very tacky. I don't know if it's her South American-ness, but she's horrifically tacky. That dress is gross...the boots are lame...and the faux sleeves are really just too stupid for me...

I like it least she commits to it.

No Clue:
I have zero clue who this is, but her shoes are blowing my mind. They're so over-the-top ridiculous.
The dress is the wrong colour, all over the place, but she's pulling off the shape, so good for her.

Those shoes though...yeesh.

Sofia Vergara:
I don't know who this is, but her breasts are spectacular! Good for her!

Toni Braxton:
She's so little. That dress is so 90's...but so is she. Remember that song? And that video? I don't have a clue what they are, but it was funny. She was wearing a white catsuit and she had it unzipped (ha ha, a zipper!) down to her navel. Oh, the times.

Whitney Houston:
Apparently she was awesome. Good for her. I like to see people come from crack to's nice. She's rocking that dress too. Good for her.

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