Saturday, September 19, 2009

Response to 'People I Hate: Kat Von D"

Someone left this comment on my original post last night and I want to invite them to email me their address and see if they want to join the blog. I like the way they think.

(I'll delete the comment immediately so no one else gets your email address)

Read their fantastic rant:

"Thank you for making this blog. I am so fucking tired of seeing SuperSkank Von Douchebag on LA Ink. Watching her show is as bad as watching "Daisy of Love". Lets not forget that Kat Von D was fired from Miami Ink for being immature and incompetent."

"As an artist she is mediocre at best and whatever talent she has is destroyed by her vanity, immaturity, ignorance and total lack of style. She is the female tool and thus it's not surprising to see that she hooked up with Niki Six, another total tool."

"Kat's taste in music is retarded as it is horrendous. All she listens to is cheeseball buttrock and then dates B-grade rockstars who look like drugged out fags. With her fashion sense you can hardly blame her. She is a total wannabe, desperately trying to follow mainstream fads and fashions in order to appeal to the largest demographic. That's not what an artist does, that's what a corporate whore does."

"Lets face it, if she wasn't on TV she would be out of business within a month. The whole debacle with Aubrey has shown just how much of a douche Kat and all her cohorts are. They are mean, rude, and a bunch of pricks when it's their fucking fault for even hiring someone with no experience. Just because Kat's brother said it's cool, that shouldn't mean shit, it's not his business."

"Clearly she has extremely poor business sense. Most of the artists and help who come into the shop leave shortly after. But who could blame them. If my boss was an immature, idiotic 20 something, I'd leave to."

"No real artist would respect Kat, she is the lecherous scum of corperatized mediocrity that all artists strive to avoid. The bitch is a walking Hot Topic with no true originality. What's worse is that they actually think their "helping" people by tatooing them. Yah don't fucking flatter yourself. All of those tattoo's are going to look like shit in a few decades. It will look like a wash of garbage all across their body. And this goes double for that uber poser Corey Miller who thinks he's a total badass but is really just a greaseball pussy from the valley. I wish someone would come in the shop and kick his teeth in."

"In short you have queen von douche leading a mediocre artists, doing mediocre tattoo work and then patting themselves on the back because a few tools who've never been tattoo'd before like it. Once the cameras stop rolling you'll see just how successful Kat really is. When the shows gone, so is she."

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