Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pink...and The Superficial

The Superficial really makes me laugh...I don't know much about who writes is, but it's one of my favourites to check out.

For instance...check out this awesomely titled post "Pink Seems Like An Interesting Fellow". It made me burst out laughing. For a bit, until I really looked at the picture.

That's kind of creepy in a Tool music video/The Cell kind of way.

But damn do I love it when someone calls a dude (or Pink) a fellow. Fellow! Come on. That's old timey hilarity.

Seriously though, someone make her stop wearing that. It's not good.

1 comment:

J. Sterling Ellison said...

Doesn't she RAIL on girl pop singer types who dress like this? I'm not sure this isn't a total joke. Pink CAN'T think she looks good in all that surgical tape and spangly merkin.