Saturday, April 07, 2007

Christina Aguilera needs to wear less make-up

Oh my god, someone needs to wrestle this girl down and steal her powder, because she wears too much f-ing make-up!!! Look at her face! It's so even and dull.

She's so cute keeping her pipes warm with that scarf. What the hell does she need them warm for? I heard that the New York crowd was super pissed because she lip-synced half the show.

I heard she was awesome here in Montreal.


Anonymous said...

She was awesome in Boston too! That girl can really sing. I realize she has a new identity-crisis every other day, wears waaaay too much makeup and apparently thinks she's Marilyn Monroe reincarnated, but I can't help but love her!!

Anonymous said...

learn to spell the names of the people you trash!

Skankopolis said...

It's a typo, spazz. But thanks for pointing it out!