Saturday, November 25, 2006

Cameron Diaz gets her nose done...

...And she's still disgusting.

After seeing the results of Asslee Simpson's nose job, Cameron stated that she'd like to have the same surgeon fix up her face. She claims that the only reason she wanted it fixed is because she broke it surfing a few years ago. I think she was trying to de-fug herself.

Unfortunately, she didn't fix it up enough to be noticeable. She'll have to use some Comet and steel wool to fix that mess.

Ew. Ew. Ew.

PS - I still want a nose job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't be retarded. Your schnoz is just perfect the way it is.
Maybe go for some hymenoplasty though, to consummate your first night of marital union in style.