Friday, May 03, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Laughs In Everyone's Dumb Face (FYI)

This bitch is REALLY making the California judicial system look like a bunch of assholes.

So yesterday, Lindsay Lohan was supposed to check into the Seafield Center in the Hamptons, New York. She decides at the very last minute she's not doing that and in the absence of commercial flights to California (LAUGH!) she insists Mr Pink (the disgusting energy drink she hocks) fly her across the country on their private jet.

She instead drives UP to the Morningside Recovery Clinic in Newport Beach, which ends up just being a halfway house where a drug addicted bulimic man died a short while ago...turns out they had all their licenses stripped because of that. So she didn't even get out of the car. She sat in front of it and then drove off...disappearing. In California. With paparazzi chasing her. Uh huh.

Then, the prosecutors threaten to throw her in jail unless she checks into an approved rehab center by sunrise today. While in invisible mode, the freckled freak spends her entire day calling her old lawyer Shawn Holley and begging her A) to take her back and B) to get her into some rehab center so she doesn't get thrown in jail.

Would you believe she ended up in BETTY FORD? Yes, for those of you with good gossip memory, this is the same place she ended up getting kicked out of for beating one of their employees. 


Way to look awesome California.

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