Friday, September 14, 2012

Dina Lohan - Mother Of the Year on Dr Phil

Let me preface this by saying I think Dr Phil is a jackass. He's not a doctor and he has probably the most annoying voice of anyone on Earth.

BUT, he did interview Dina Lohan and did kind of seem really judgy about her, which is kind of great.

There are some serious gems in this 1-minute preview of this interview which is going to air on Monday. I won't lie. I want to see it.

A couple of things: she seems drunk during the interview or messed on some kind of medication, stopping to ask the crew if they are recording (ahem), making really weird comments and also crying and behaving really weirdly. It seems like it might be great.

Then Michael Lohan is on.

Is it ANY wonder Lindsay Lohan is such a disaster with these two as her parents?

Check out this clip, it's great.

This UK article has a good amount of screen caps and quotes.

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