Saturday, September 15, 2012

Amanda Bynes - The New And Improved Lindsay Lohan

In the past 2 weeks Amanda Bynes, whose license was suspended on August 25th, was caught driving. 3 times. All 3 times, doing something illegal.

The first time, the COPS pulled her over for her lights not being on...didn't check her license. Had they, they would have realized that it was her and she was driving with a suspended license.

The 2nd time, she was leaving a club and freaked when a photographer started papping her and rear ended someone, then took off.

The most recent time, it seems she went out for a drive, smoked something out of a pipe, ate some tacos, then went and smoked again in a Home Depot parking lot.


Dear LA Police, please boot this bitch's car.

This morning on TMZ there's an in "depth" (ahem) article about how she's not just a pothead, there's something really wrong with her. (photo from them) People have witnessed her talking to herself, having conversations with inanimate objects and more.


That's not pot in that pipe. Can we all agree on that?

Maybe someone's taken up a little crack? Some meth? BATH SALTS!


I might need to try and get on the internet from Jamaica to see this hot mess go down...

Photo source TMZ

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