Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Grammy's 2010 - Part 2

When attempting to be quick with your post-awards show posts, you do miss a few people here and there. However, you do remain proud of yourself for posting as quickly as you did.

Why am I talking like this?

Anyhoo, here are some people I missed in my original post:

While I do totally hate most of this dress, I think it's more important that we insult her weird dog-bowl hair. WTF is that?! Or is it more like a Cinnabon in a not-as-awesome-as-Princess-Leia kind of way.

The dress is awful, sort of. I actually think it could have been ok but there is a little too much of it. you know? As in the bottom. Which looks like a really cheap 100% polyester lining that you would find as, say, a costume in a Halloween shoppe. 2 p's and an e. That's right.

Anyhoo, could have been much better as just a little mini dress...without the weird straps.

Celine Dion:
Sometimes life makes sense. Sometimes I leave my house at the ungodly hour of 6:45am and there is no traffic, because, really - why should there be? Then other times nothing makes sense and I actually like Celine Dion's clothing. Save for the sleeves.

That dress is kind of awesome. Take of the sleeves and I love it. Mind you, now upon 2nd look, it frightens me that it seems to be making her look kind of chubbo in the midriff when she is one of the world's most emaciated people. Maybe I'm going to take it back. I'll think about it.

I will say this - if you're going to wear shiny sandals - kindly remove the ace bandages from your feet before. Ick. That band is grosso.

What do you think?

Embarrassingly, I had lace pants in high school. They were not exactly like this, they were more floral lace and there was less skin showing, but they were equally as hideous. Mind you, I didn't wear dominatrix gear on top (I was lucky enough that my father let me out of the house as it was, I don't think he would have liked the top).

I hate this outfit, It is trying too hard for me. She's a pretty lady with a great tuck game...I don't know why she wore this, it's awful.

Malin Ackerman:
Um. Really? First of all, if that is your head/face Julia-Stiles-2, don't wear your hair slicked back. You look like someone has drawn a face on an egg. Seriously.

Secondly, you look like a cheap bus station hooker in that dress and those boots.

I think there is something really important to understand about over-the-knee boots. You cannot wear sexy clothes with them. Or you look like a hooker. Prime example above. Seriously. You need to wear a pretty flowy dress, or a boyish look.

RULE FOR OVER-THE-KNEE BOOTS: Do not wear anything sexy or really, you look like you're giving BJ's for McNuggets.

Sheryl Crow:
Look, I am aware I am a big fan of 70's fashion and that there is something fundamentally wrong with that...but I will admit to you - I LOVE THIS DRESS.

Some people really did not like it, but I think it is fantastically 70's and wonderful and it makes me want to have a house party where we drink themed cocktails, listen to disco, do designer drugs and have feathered hair.

Don't you want to come to that party?!?!

Ok, I am going to go lie down. I think I'm losing my mind.

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