Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New: Can we all agree...?

So, because I've been so AWOL lately and have had no time to post, I wanted to come up with a way to post more efficiently. So while looking at a bunch of pics I had downloaded which were intended for the blog, I kept repeating "can we all agree?" which leads me to this:

Can we all agree Lady Gaga is annoying and we hope no one ever repeats this hair-as-bow-atop-head 'do?

Can we all agree that Chris Evans (of Fantastic 4 fame) is looking very delicious in this picture?

Can we all agree this is possibly one of the most unflattering outfits we've ever seen anyone wear, let alone Jessica Alba?

Can we all agree that Mischa Barton is no longer relevant and has really disgusting clavicles? Also, that she's clearly under dressed considering the woman's actions behind her? Can we also agree her breasts seem to be approximately at waist level?

Can we all agree Joaquin Phoenix's new look makes him look like a serial killer?

Can we all agree that Angelina has been
A) dressing like garbage lately and
B) sporting a very unflattering old lady 'do?


Anonymous said...

All agreed!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me Joaquin's look is for some movie!

Skankopolis said...

It's apparently due to his hatred of Hollywood and the superficialities of it.

He's claimed to have retired from acting and has started a rapping career. There is speculation that's all a huge inside joke between him and Casey Affleck and that they're making a mockumentary about the whole thing.

I feel like the best round-up of this mess is here:

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks!