Friday, January 30, 2009

Can we all agree...?

There was some positive reaction to my last post, and seeing as I'm still just as lazy, I thought I'd go for it again.

Can we all agree that Amanda Bynes has fantastic, covetable hair? And a much too short (vag level!) skirt - which leads her to look a little bit like a hooker?
Can we all agree that Dakota Fanning is much more refreshing version of a 15 year old than that hag Ali Lohan?
Didn't Dina Lohan learn anything from pimping out her first child at too young an age?
She's too young to be pushing her boobs together like that!!!

Can we all agree that Jessica Simpson is really not fat at all, just delightfully not anorexic? I'm not saying I love pleather leggings, but they sure are better than than those jeans...

Ugh, this idiot again...can we all agree that she is especially annoying to look at? And that her skirt reminds of that body condom scene from 'The Naked Gun'?
I didn't get that joke until years later because I was so young when it came out.
Let's just all agree and get along! Stupid economy dragging everyone down...

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