Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Skank Extraordinaire has been having fun - Lindsay Lohan style!

So it's been a while, and our lady of the night has been galavanting about Cannes, LA and other places with her 'best friend' Samantha Ronson. A lot.

You'll remember, Samantha was there on that last night when Lindsay crashed into the tree and was rumoured to have planted the coke in the car and tipped off the paps as to where Linz was just for the $ (makes sense, I mean, how much can DJ'ing actually pay?).

Well, if any of that is true, it looks like our Skank Extraordinaire has forgiven her...

Here she is at some Dolce & Gabana party wearing what looks like a dish towel. Shoes are hot though.

Here she is kissing some dude in an ugly hat. Oh, no wait, that's Samantha Ronson. Come on!
They are denying that they're lovers, even getting her poor little (looks-old) sister involved. Who cares if they are? Go for it ladies!

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