Friday, March 29, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Makes Good Decisions

A classic logical thinker, Lindsay Lohan is see here hiding under a table at a club in Brazil because she didn't want to take photos with fans...or really for fans to take photos of her sitting at a table covered in booze.

I mean, if I were scheduled for 90 days in rehab in a very short while, I wouldn't want to be seen in clubs drinking either. Especially if I was vehemently denying I had any kind of drinking and drug problem.

Especially if I had exited the courthouse after my sentencing and THAT NIGHT been seen pulling up to a club. And then the next night at another club. And the next at another. Oh, and also been rumored to have climbed out a window at a house party because the cops showed up.

You know. Because that is how someone completely sane, clean AND sober thinks.

And all of this is not even mentioning the fact that her lawyer negotiated a plea deal for lock down rehab in New York...and then everyone found out there is no such thing as lock down rehab in New York. No such thing.

No, but, you guys: THERE IS NO SUCH THING.

The prosecuters are scrambling now to figure out if she needs to do rehab in Cali or go to jail. Oy.

This girl...

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