Sunday, December 13, 2009


You know how sometimes you have no hope for society and feel like life can only be bad?

Jersey Shore makes me feel like that, but oddly, at the same time it makes me have infinite hope for all people who are not in New Jersey.

I was RIVETED by this fantastic production and if you haven't watched it yet, please go ahead and watch it because it will give you a confidence boost like no other. These people are such degenerates, and they spout out some serious gold, such as:

"I'm a bartender. I do great things"
"They don't call me Sammy Sweatheart for nothing"
"I love Guido's who are tanned, juiced and have gelled hair"

And it gets better.
You must watch it. It will give you the most glowing feeling inside...

I mean, just look at these glamorous, classy beauties.

Watch Episodes here!

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