Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Vanessa Minnillo - not so hot without make-up

Ok fine, she's still below-the-neck hot, but that face is nothing to write home about, unless you're writing a mean letter about a plain faced girl you'd date, but only if she wore a paper bag. I don't know where that came from. I mean, I don't even date girls.

It's kind of all squished into the middle of her head...I've always maintained that with enough make-up anyone can be stunningly gorgeous.
That bathing suit is cute! There. I said something positive.
Ooh, if anyone can find those hot tub pics of them, send them, because no authorities EVER check this site and I could probably get away with posting them.
That is unless, of course, authorities are reading this right now. Ahem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Their hot tub pictures are in Cosmo (either the July or August issue, I forget which) but they're censored.