Sunday, February 04, 2007

Disney's new ad campaign

I love Disney. That place makes me freak out like I did when I was 4 and went for the first time. It has this hold on me.
I'm in love with their new ad campaign! Pimping out celebrities! Yessss!!!! What a society!
I love that Beyoncé kind of looks like she's going to ralph all over the Mad Hatter! The teacups make me puke too! Or maybe it's the fact that she's seated so close to Lyle Lovitt.
I don't know what wicked soul invented that ride, but it should be called the 'Vomitron'. Stamped it. No erasies.

Scarlett Johanssen as Cinderella? I fucking love it! Mind you, I think she would probably want a sports bra to be bounding down those stairs though, she's not lacking in the boobie department.

Becks as Prince Charming from 'Sleeping Beauty'?!?!?!?! Fantastic!!! The real prince from that movie was such a wimp. The fairies basically did all the work. Wow. Becks.

I think I should go lie down.

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