Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Feel My Rage: The Jem Movie Is Going To Suck

I don't ask for a lot (lies). I only want simple things (more lies). I just want my 80's cartoons treated with kid gloves and heralded as the unique work of art they are.

This shit is unacceptable.

Images and synopsis from the Jem movie has come out and it's going to suck. For SO many reasons. Here are some: There will be no Synergy; There will be no Misfits; Jem is not a hologram...so basically the movie has nothing to do with the cartoon and they've simply highjacked the name and the fact that it involves a girl band.

WTF? I have major rage right now.

No one said it better than Michael K at DListed:
To recap: The movie doesn’t take place in the 80s, it doesn’t have The Misfits or Syngery in it and they’ve made Jem and the Holograms look like basics who wear UGGs in the winter, know the Starbucks secret menu by heart and dye their hair totally crazy colors like pink when they go to Coachella. It’s like Jem and the Holograms brought to you by ABC Family.
If you still care, here are some other pictures from this stupid mess, after the jump

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