Thursday, March 12, 2015

Beyoncé and Lindsay Lohan Need To Spring for Photoshop Courses

Who wouldn't want more thigh gap? But not at the expense of the structural integrity of the stairs!! MY god! THE STAIRS!
At first it was only a couple, but now it's really becoming a thing that celebs Photoshop their Instagram pics before putting them up.

Look, as a vain person, I can tell you that I have most certainly Photoshopped myself before posting pics. Mostly I used to just make my teeth and the whites of my eyes whiter (makes you look younger and more energetic), but sometimes I played with my nose.

Now it seems to be a bit of an epidemic. Lindsay Lohan has posted 2 pics in the last 2 months that are really terribly Photoshopped and Beyoncé posted one last year that caused a lot of controversy.

Look, do it. It's fine. We're not super used to seeing you un-Photoshopped anyway, it's more consistent for us if you're airbrushed all to hell, but oh my god, do a better job than these:

Guess whose tummy isn't that flat? That leaning tower of shampoo gives it away...
And now we comrimise the structural integrity of a doorway? Come on! Too risky! You could get stuck in the room! No way her butt looks like that. We've seen her butt.

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