Friday, October 04, 2013

Attention Kaley Cuoco - Immediate Action Required!

I don't mean to sound like junk mail and I really hope this doesn't get siphoned into her spam folder...because FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WOMAN, you need to hire a new stylist and PR firm.

First of all, this dress is a disaster from hell. It looks like something you would see on the cover of a romance novel, but normally they don't carry clunky purses.

And whoever in your team told you getting engaged to someone after 3 months of dating them is a total moron. It is entirely possible that this guy is your soul mate. It is probably (sorry) that he isn't. Also, the general public does remember when you tried to make us believe you and Henry Cavill were a credible couple just a few, short months ago.

You make a lot of money and you need to be aware that people want a piece of that. Hopefully that's not what this guy is there for, but I can pretty much bet that you're paying your PR firm and stylist to do nothing but bad for you.

It's time to clean house.

You deserve better.

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