Monday, August 13, 2012

The Spice Girls at the Olympics!

The Olympics are not so exciting for me. I just don't care enough. But one thing London won at over all the other hosts is awesome opening and closing ceremonies. I mean, COME ON.

You guys, when the internet first started being accessible to the public (via AOL - ha ha), the Spice Girls were the hottest thing out there. Like, the hottest. And I was a mid-teen girl. It was a perfect storm of amazing obsession for me. My high school agenda was PLASTERED with images of them that I had printed off the new fangled internet.

So, when I heard that Victoria was going to swallow her pride (and nothing else - it's all too fattening) and perform with the other Spices during the closing ceremonies, I got really excited.

She is so much better as a fashion designer, but it's hilarious to watch her pose and try to sing and dance. It was great. She looked SO miserable. It was amazing.

Ugh. I was 15 again there for a moment, and it was great.

Spice Girls Olympic Games London 2012 from Nathan Jayd on Vimeo.

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