Friday, March 21, 2008

Jennifer Lopez's babies

Did you ever see 'The Cell'? That movie is fucked up. My hubby-to-be used to turn it on at parties in the background to freak people out. Hee hee.

Anyway, I don't remember if there were creepy twins in it, but it makes me nervous for these babies. Babies are cute, I know, stop telling me. I get it. I'm just saying that I think the boy looks a bit like daddy...and we all know daddy is creepy-lookin'.

People paid $6 million for these photos and apparently, part of the agreement was that they never refer to Jennifer Lopez as JLo again. She's trying to shed the nickname.

Um, bitch, YOU named your album that. It's your fault. So annoying!

Anyhoo, babies. Lots of hair. Under-eye circles already.

I don't know.

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